Call for Submissions
The International Police Science Association (IPSA) is calling for articles and book reviews to be published in the upcoming issues of the International Journal of Police Science (IJPS).
Please read and follow all guidelines.
Title: An article’s title should be clear and reflect the theme of the article. Titles may be modified by the editors, in consultation with the authors.
Abstract: Please provide an abstract (maximum 250 words) of your article. The purpose of an abstract is to give an overview of your entire project, in particular its findings and contribution to the field. An abstract should be a standalone summary of your article, which readers can use to decide whether the article is relevant to them. An abstract generally includes: a brief introduction to the topic you are investigating; an explanation of why the topic is important in your field of study; a statement regarding the gap in existing research; your research questions or aims; a brief description of your research methods and approach; your key message; a summary of your key findings; and how your key message and findings contribute to the field.
Keywords: Please provide 5–8 keywords for your article. Keywords will be used for indexing purposes. These terms should include the continent or region and the country/countries addressed within your article, as well as other words reflecting the subject matter. Please list keywords under the article abstract.
Book Selection: Books reviewed should directly address important policing and security issues, or relevant topics in legal, social, anthropological, and other fields related to the security perspective. Books do not need to be recent but should be relevant in today’s policing and security environment.
Content: Book reviews should include the following information:
Copyright International Police Science
Association (IPSA).
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
International Police Science Association
The International Police Science Association (IPSA) is a registered academic organization of the United Nations. In October 2013, IPSA registered as a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit scientific association. The association’s branches include the United States of America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The International Police Science Association (IPSA) is calling for articles and book reviews to be published in the upcoming issues of the International Journal of Police Science (IJPS).