About the Journal


The Teste Journal, publishes articles, reports and interviews relating to tourism, travel, culture and gastronomy from different parts of the world.


Peer Review Process

Submitted articles must meet the following criteria:

1. Be in accordance with the themes covered by the newspaper.

2. Be unpublished and not have been published in other journals.

3. The article must go through all evaluation processes.

4. The manuscript must go through plagiarism detection programs.

5. The text must go through a double-blind evaluation process, without identification of authority, being evaluated in two stages by experts in the field.

6. In case of discrepancy, it may be evaluated by a third evaluator.

7. Adjustments to the text may be requested.

The assessment takes an average of 4 to 12 weeks.

Once approved, the text will be revised and designed and sent to the author for final approval.

The author must complete the Disclosure Authorization Form.

Once approved, the text may be published by the editorial board. Frequency The frequency of the journal is Weekly.


Editorial Policy and ethic

1. Original and unpublished articles.

2. hey must not have been previously submitted to other magazines.

3. Cases of plagiarism will be investigated.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.